Installing Jekyll for Security Professionals

Installing Jekyll for Security Professionals

Why are we here anyway?

Jekyll lets you create static pages easily. I’m a security person, not a website admin and I really didn’t want to spend the time learn while also generating content for the site. Maybe one day I’ll move this to something more formal, but this really seems to do well enough for now.

One advantage of this style is learning how to interact with github. Even simple pulls and commits are things I never really had to do, so its nice to least know what’s happening when trying to speak to DevOps teams.

The most obvious advantage is security. Lots of the WYSIWYG CMS’s get interesting once you add plugins and that’s when you add vulnerabilities. Static pages are just that, static pages. You can get “dynamic” enough with the features i Jekyll and that’s good enough for me. Besides, how embarrassing would it be to have my security notes webpage spamming people because it was compromised?

Why Jekyll?

I found Jekyll to be pretty well documented with plenty of templates and site examples to copy and choose from. This site was the first guide I followed, but you take pretty much their entire site layout and then I found it difficult to add and change things without breaking the template (this may be entirely my fault).

I’m pretty comfortable on the command line, so next I tired Github’s documentation here. That worked a lot better, but the layout was super basic.

Ultimately I mashed a few different templates and guides together. This is risky if you’re committing large changes together all at once, so I have been making changes slowly one at a time. This approach is much easier when you’re just figuring this out and you’re trying to learn github and jekyll and markdown at the same time.

Getting Started - locally and remotely

There are a few things you need to do. I don’t do this stuff on my desktop, I use a VM (even working in an Ubuntu variant), clone the repository there, do my work, and then throw away the VM or restore a snapshot. It means I have to manually add SSH keys to my github account each time depending on where I’m working from, but you can make this easy with the following:

curl -u "username" --data '{"title":"KEYNAME","key":"ssh-rsa AAA..."}' 

Since I’m in the web console anyway, it’s easy to delete unneeded keys. You’ll also have to edit your ssh config file but you can avoid all that work if you just do it from your desktop. I’d rather not for reasons I’m still working out.

If you’re working out of a new VM or environment, you’ll need to repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 each time. Once your site is initially set up, you should be able to just install the environment, clone your repo, build it, make changes, test, commit them, and then throw it all away. Fun, no?

  1. Install and prep your environment.

    • Create a new repository manually using the github documentation if this is your first time creating one.

    • I used ubuntu 16.04. You can use whatever you want, but you’re on your own.

    • Run the following:

      sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev make gcc git
      sudo gem install bundle
    • I also turn on a color scheme in VIM (shine until it fails me) and enable spellchecking. Add this to your ~/.vimrc file

       set spell spelllang=en_us
       colorscheme shine
    • I keep a directory of repositories in my home directory to minimize clutter called gits and do all my work out of there

  2. Create your repository through the web console and clone it locally or create it locally and push it out.

    • I tried doing it manually and this was just easier.
  3. Make sure you SSH keys are set up to allow you to push commits quickly. I have a crazy password and its a pain to type it and my username all the time instead of just unlocking my ssh key.

  4. Find the sites you want to copy pages to template from, cd into the directory you’ll use them and wget the raw github file instead of trying to copy and paste it into vim.

    • Be nice and credit them - See my About page for the people I owe for this
  5. Build a single post and make sure you have the basics you want in there. This includes the header at the top that outlines the formatting.

  6. Commit your changes and make a local backup! I’ve wiped out this repository half a dozen times because I made a change I didn’t remember or understand. Once you have something basic that works, BACK IT UP.

    • You can unzip your backup, delete the repo, and repush it back out to github instead of messing with any other silliness. If youre like me and don’t know what you’re doing, you will mess it up. Save yourself some trouble.

    • I learned github let’s you restore to an older version, but I can’t find a way to go from a restored older version to a newer one. If bad comes to worse or you completely change themes, at least you can always just dump your posts folder into your new repository and bam, you’re back

    • Before you commit, you need to run

      git config --global ""
       	  git config --global "Your Name"
  7. If you want to test it locally, you need to make a Gemfile according to the instructions here. Then, from the root of your repo:

    bundle install
    bundle exec jekyll serve --host=

Using that host= means you can do this from a VM and still have it accessible from your host OS, assuming NATing or bridging or whatever you’re doing is in order.

That’s really all I got so far. Build something very basic that works, back it up, know how to rebuild it quickly, and you’ll handle half the trouble you will inevitably run into very quickly.